
The Blog Holic

Business Ghostwriters—The Key to Your Business’s Success

Entrepreneurs and CEOs with their names on bestseller books about business are considered to have more credibility than, well, those who don’t! Think about it! The fact that you have success secrets to share only means that you, yourself, have figured out the map to the top.

That your success wasn’t luck—you know how you got there, and you can help others get there too!

And if people trust you, they trust your business. Therefore, writing a book is a surefire way of putting the spotlight on your business and getting the recognition and financial success that follows.

However, if you have successfully made it to the top in the business world, the chances that you have the time to pen down an entire book are slim—after all, companies don’t run themselves!

Or even if you could find time in your busy schedule, it just might be that writing is not your forte. I mean, business memos and contracts are one thing, but books are a completely different landscape in the world of writing.

Luckily for you, you don’t have to do it yourself.

There are professional ghostwriters who excel in business book writing and can do the job for you. All you have to do is find the right person. How can you do that, you ask? Well, in this blog, we will tell you everything you need to know about business writers and what to expect from them.

What are business ghostwriters?

When you engage an outside writer to produce blog articles, ebooks, or business books while you keep the authorship credit, this is known as business ghostwriting. To put it simply, you hire a professional writer to create your content for you. By doing this, you can produce material in bulk and save time.

Ghostwriters produce many different kinds of material, from 300-page business manuals to brief blog articles intended to advertise a commodity or service.

Because content production is a key component of content marketing, business ghostwriting services are great when figuring out how to expand your company through content marketing. Successful ghostwriters come from a range of professional backgrounds, including artistic writers who can connect with readers and technical writing experts who create manuals.

In other words, you can elevate your content-production methods to improve your entire content marketing, generate more leads, and boost sales with the right kind of business ghostwriters.

Why should you hire a ghostwriter?

If you’re still not sure how hiring a ghostwriter can write your name on the walls of history, here are top three reasons you should consider:

Content that speaks to your target market

Employing a business ghostwriter will enable you to communicate with your target market in their language. The messaging, tone and writing style that is appropriate for your audience are all known to ghostwriters—after all, they have been at it for a long while.

Time better spent on running the business

According to studies, content marketing—whether through eBooks, blogs or articles—is an effective way for people to learn about a brand or product than traditional marketing. But writing stellar content that resonates with your audience takes time, particularly if you publish material more frequently than once a week.

By using a ghostwriter, you can avoid this time-consuming task. Instead, you can concentrate all your energy and attention on managing your company.

Quality content to increase brand credibility

Ghostwriters are usually experts in their genres. They have years of writing experience geared at improving audience engagement and loyalty and delivering well-researched, well-structured pieces. Your brand's reputation is enhanced as a result.

Additionally, since ghostwriters do not need a byline, you can claim complete ownership of the work.

What features to look for in professional ghostwriters for business books?

Finding the ideal candidate is the next step after deciding to work with a ghostwriter. Consider the specifications of your project and seek a candidate who possesses the particular expertise you want—writing a speech, a book, a blog post, or an article. Working with a writer who is familiar with your area can be advantageous.

Ask yourself: What demographic are you attempting to reach? Consider if you require someone who can simply explain complex concepts or talk authoritatively on the subject.

Here are some key features to consider:

Writing experience

Always check for relevant writing experience. While business ghostwriting is an industry in its own right, there are different types of writers who cater to different business types. Before you go and hire someone for your business, see if they have experience working for the industry your business belongs to.

Have they written any books or articles that could be relevant to you?

If so, ask them to share their work. Bear in mind, however, that confidentiality is the name of the game in ghostwriting. This means that most writers might be under contract not to share work they have done for others. In this case, don’t shy away from asking for a sample—and paying for it.

It’s then time for you to evaluate their merit.

Analyze the structure, storyline, and writing. Is this a fascinating piece? Is it organized well? Did they do a decent job with it? Regardless of the content's quality, a superb ghostwriter can at least make a book readable. But the finest writers regularly produce excellent pieces—no matter the genre.

Their process

Every writer has a personal process—for how they work alone and with others. As someone who will be working in close collaboration with them, it is important for you to understand the process of your potential ghost and see if it aligns with yours.

For instance, you want someone who is very responsive.

However, contrary to popular belief, you need to find someone who establishes work boundaries. This indicates that they are clear on the number of revisions, the number of notes, how they want to engage with you and obtain information from you, etc.

What does that tell you?

Well, it shows that they have done this before, respect their time, and won't just take a job from anyone. Remember, as much as you are assessing them, they are assessing you too.


As a business person, you already know: you can’t make money unless you spend it. And that holds true for hiring a ghostwriter too. Although you can find people offering their services for pennies on the dollar, the quality of work they offer might not be worth the investment.

Remember: good ghostwriters are experts, and they charge accordingly.

We’re not saying that cost is a solid identifier of merit, but it can help you root out those who’re desperate for work and possibly don’t have much writing experience. This way, you can shortlist candidates and focus on evaluating the ones that seem more legitimate.

However, if paying high prices is just not possible, you can always go for ghostwriting companies.

Since agencies like this employ in-house writers, they can help you cut down on costs by offering lower prices and package deals. In fact, most companies provide complete publishing services and can help you work on your content from start to finish.

Parting words

Done right, hiring a ghostwriter to work on your content—whether books or articles—can help put you and your business in the limelight and bring it increased reach and visibility.

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