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The Past, Present, and Future of Cashless Marketing Options in the Car Wash Industry

"I bought my new car wash in the USA, in 1989, and then the city of St. Paul decided that they were going to tear down the entire length of my road that had my wash. "Once the construction work started, I had little time. I was sure it would ruin me if I didn't find anything to pile up more business." Car wash Mansfield tx can help you in washing your new car.

Dan Yarosh


Almost every car wash operator has read an article or seen a presentation on the benefits of accepting credit cards and loyalty cards. Dozens of equipment manufacturers now offer built-in credit card acceptance and loyalty card programs. In 2007, car wash operators could not stick to the car wash trade show without hitting the latest cashless acceptance solution for the car wash. But how did cashless acceptance in the car wash industry begin?


The origins of the cashless card system in the wash industry


Eighteen years ago, credit cards were unheard of in the Gulf, and loyalty programs were nothing like today. The concept of a royal program consisted of discount tokens, token notes, and coupon books. Seventeen years ago, the idea of cardless, cashless acceptance in Wash Bay was conceived only by one person in the wash industry and the gospel, while the rest of the car wash industry was selling tokens and coupons. You may recall that at the ICA trade show in the early 1990s, a boy was seen in his booth with a fish tank with goldfish and a card reader underneath so that readers could see "wet conditions." Demonstrate ability to work. The man with the fish tank was Dan Yaroso, who started Wash Card Systems in 1990. Based in Hugo, Minnesota, Dean began his business as a one-person show. In an interview with Yarosu, I learned that a wash card was not invented to be sold to other car wash operators. Instead, it stems from the need to market its campaign car wash.


"I bought my first car wash in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1989, and then the city's St. Paul decided they were going to tear down the entire length of my road. I had a new wash and traffic," Dean recalled. There was less time to wash after construction began. I was sure it would ruin me if I couldn't find more business. "


What a rewarding little business that was rapidly becoming a significant stress factor for Dean and his family. Dean spent the nights and weekends repairing sunbathing equipment and doing whatever he could to keep his customers happy while dragging road construction in front of his sun. While away from washing on Saturdays, Dean worked for a company that designed access control technology for security systems. With this knowledge of access control technology, Dean figured out how to fix his pet's urine. Dean hated carrying tokens full of pockets to get in the way of his service. After weeks of tinkering, it had wired waterproof access card readers in each of its bays. Readers were fitted with programmed control panels in his luggage room that were then fitted with bay timers. Sliding a valid card through the reader will send a signal to the wash bay, and the wash will start, and it will not stop until he slides the card a second time.


Eureka! Great progress


It was a weekend when Dean finally got the system up and running. He was running from bay to bay so that his card would slip, which would activate the bay. He would then return to his office and, sitting at his desk, confirm the activity of the bay on the Black and Green Terminal monitor. With all this fuss, before a customer went to Dean and asked him what all the fuss was about. Dean recalled that he was probably a little more excited as he moved the customer into the bay and explained, "Okay, so I take this card and slide it through the readers ... and now it's off! When I slide the card, it shuts off again! I have a shield in my office that records this wash to track any washing with this card. A customer is standing in the bay listening to Dan. He thinks for a moment and then says, "Really, really cool. So how do I get one of these cards for myself? "


Dan went back to the office, inserting a new card into the system for his first card customer. He took a black marker and drew an arrow on the card to indicate how the reader would slide the card and hand it over to the customer. They agreed to settle the bill for each wash on the first of each month. Several weeks later, the customer returned with his friend, who also wanted his washing card. This time Dean ran to his office and replaced with another card marked with it.


Dean pondered for a moment and wrote two words in his magic marker hand that would forever affect the car washing industry, "I don't know ... I think it's a wash card" when he cheered. Write happy letters in front of a simple white card before handing it to your new customer.


Success is determined beyond the competition.


It didn't take long for Dean to realize that he had something he had never heard of that he could offer to customers. He went to the local police department and small businesses in the area and got the whole washing business, so he gets involved in road construction. He contacted someone who would be interested in having an "account" with a local car wash. There were six local police and sheriff's departments on his account and wash card at any given time, and he soon caught the eye of another local car wash. The first smoke in the city near Dean asked if he would make them a card system. He politely turned them down because it was the only thing that allowed his car wash to maintain its competitive advantage over any smoke in the city. "Why would I give them the ability to compete directly with me?" Dean. "When someone had my wash card, they never considered rewashing it." Experience had shown that businesses that bought کن 50 a month in tokens or token notes doubled or tripled their monthly washing costs when deposited into an open invoiced account.


It wasn't long before word spread about "card washing," and out-of-town wash owners offered Dean a good deal of money to build their card system. He eventually agreed to create and install wash card systems for several other car washes in Minnesota and Iowa.


Taking a show on the road


As Dan Yarosu becomes interested in the cashless payment system, he has to make some difficult decisions. He could either retain his full-time job and continue selling wash cards locally, or he could take his "idea" to the streets. According to Dean, it was easy to decide backward. He then spent the better part of ten years traveling with his card readers to various trade shows, informing car wash owners about the lucrative potential of incorporating the card system into their car wash. With the success of many car wash owners due to the wash card program, it was inevitable that there would eventually be some new cashless products on the market. Because many users of Washcard felt so strongly that the cashless car wash system was such a great idea that they decided to make and sell their system, it became the first competition of the wash card. As they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery. The idea of ​​replacing dirty tokens with cards, keys, and bar codes spread in the car wash industry at any time.


Status of cashless payment system


The number of cashless payment solutions has skyrocketed as consumers demand to use their credit cards or put their commercial vehicles in the car wash. Consumers use their plastic to pay for gas and groceries because they don't provide soap and water for their cars? Finding a solution that's a surefire way to leverage both credit card acceptance and merchant fleet account offerings is a surefire way to take advantage of how potential customers were spending their money in 2007. This is precisely how it is these days. It's crucial how consumers spend their money because that's where they can spend their money. If you do not meet the millions of cardholders, you lose money every day in potential profits.


The Future of Cashless Payment Systems


In the future, cash payments will no longer be a mainstream form. Utilizing the power of the Internet and modern communication technology, multiple payments will be integrated into one extensive payment network. Users will have complete control over their account settings. Saving receipts and passing tokens will go back to the past as now flat managers will run their activity reports and manage their account balances from anywhere in the world. Buying and driving your car wash will be just as safe as online banking.


Advances in technology will play a significant role in how businesses like car wash are run. There are now car washes in which CEOs and influential investment groups fund the continued growth of their company. More important than ever for individual wash owners is how they are doing business today. There are new opportunities in the car wash industry to bring new technology and new business. Ask your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and grandsons how they pay for goods and services today. Will your car wash business end the struggle, or when growing consumers who don't have cash become your core population? Ryan Carlson is an industry expert in consumer buying trends and car wash promotional marketing technology. To master successful car wash marketing and cashless payment technology, you can catch a seminar at a local trade show or read its regular editorials in various trade publications.

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